6 Styles for Short Hair Makeover

POSTED BY Unknown on Thursday, November 4, 2010

Want to makeover your hair? Trimming 5 cm will not make you change your appearance. Echoes the style of the celebrity, who never hesitated to cut his hair drastically, from long to short. From the end of the flat bottom, into air-layer. From the neat [...]
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8 Tips When Cutting Hair


Many people who feel disappointed after seeing the final result of hair clippings. Why so much shorter hair than you want? Why models do not resemble at all to hairstyles pictures you carry? In fact, there are several factors that mention hair clippers [...]
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Tips for Wearing High Heels from Manolo Blahnik


Wearing high heels can make a woman more confident. Because, he felt taller, slimmer, and more powerful. However, before it can appear confident, you first must be able to walk comfortably on the high heels. If not, one-one you actually have to be guided [...]
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The book could So Cool Accessories


Kate Spade is known as a maker of design accessories bags and shoes that ultragaya. Its boutique based in New York already has so many branch outlets across the world. Recently, she launched a new bag of different lines. Was named Book of the Month, [...]
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This is the consequence of Plastic Surgery


Beautify yourself with the operation were considered to support the appearance. If this be your last choice, before performing plastic surgery, make sure you understand the risks, benefits, and consequences. These are factors to consider before deciding [...]
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Prevent Varicose to Wear "Stocking"


Varicose veins are abnormal dilation of blood vessels behind the cavity (venous) pressure due to backflow of blood that flows in it. Backflow of blood pressure caused by two things. First, the blockage / emphasis that prevent backflow of blood (such [...]
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Leg Shaving Make Hair Thick and Rough, Really?


Some women believe the myth that shaved hair grows in the leg will make it grow thicker and dense. Really like that? Here is an explanation from Ron Davis, MD, professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orlean [...]
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Shoes also show your Character


Women do have their own love of shoes. There may be a lot of shoes in your closet, with a variety of shapes and models. Apparently, the shape and shoe model can show what kind of personality you are. Following exposure to Meghan Cleary, author of The [...]
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