Planning ASI Since Gestation

POSTED BY Unknown on Friday, October 29, 2010

Mother's decision to work for six months exclusive breastfeeding and continued up to two years of preparation and planning needs. From the time of pregnancy, the mother had to prepare a plan to provide breast mil [...]
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Important Baby Take Out Houses Occasionally


The presence of a small baby does require adaptation in the life of a family. However, the new baby comes is also need to be taught about socializing. His first place in the family. His first year was a tough challenge for him to get to know many things [...]
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Si Young, Smallest but Not Want Minimized


Parents who have 3 children will realize how many different characters who exist within every child. Despite living under the same roof, are treated the same, still the brothers will grow with the attitude and the nature of each. One factor that was [...]
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Replace Baby Oil with Olive Oil


Massaging the baby's body should be performed by the mother each day. As did generations of predecessors in Javanese society, known as medicine. Well, to massage your baby, it needs the right material. Eucalyptus oil or grease is generally chosen telon [...]
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Baby Spa Body Boost Endurance


The tradition of medicine has been long known in Javanese society. Since birth, babies are given a gentle massage is helpful for improving blood circulation. In addition, infant massage provides a sense of comfort because of the touching and emotional [...]
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Know How to Educate Children in School Teachers


Time spent at the school your child is not short. So, make sure children get proper education and be able to support for growing up children. In choosing schools, parents also need to ask her teacher quality. The trick, recognize the character your [...]
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5 Myths of Infant Brain Development


Age 0-3 years are golden period infant brain development. Therefore, parents need to do a variety of brain stimulation to develop intelligence, whether in terms of nutrition or stimulation in the form of communication, swabs, views, or a hug to a [...]
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Important Role of Father in Child Happiness


A study involving 1200 children showed that the key to a child's happiness lies in the quality time he spent with his father. Children who have a fixed time to communicate with his father has a rating of 87 of 100 for the happiness scale. Meanwhile, [...]
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Little Closer to the grandmother?


Working parents will feel calmer if left to the baby's grandmother or grandfather. This is also the most feasible solution if there is no caregiver at home. However, the impact of that arise later, the children become closer to his grandmother, even [...]
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