Child Care for Parents Support for Water and Environment

POSTED BY Unknown on Monday, November 8, 2010

Child Care
 A total of 36 delegates Conference of Indonesian Children, began to undergo a series of activities from 7 to 12 November 2010. Children aged 9-14 years of talk about the experience around issues of water, to use water as a solution to water crisis experienced in daily life. Sensitivity, awareness, and ability to express ideas in speech and writing equip elementary school children is to send rich he wrote to the magazine Bobo. Support and encouragement from parents is also a stepping-stone to encourage children to develop themselves.

Koes Sabandiyah, Deputy General Manager of the Media Children Kompas Gramedia, say, through writing and observing daily events in the immediate environment, the child is training himself sensitivity.
Parents also need to be sensitive to what concerns children, including child's curiosity of many everyday experiences.

"It was not easy to write. But with the guidance of parents and teachers, the child's ability can be trained. Generally, children have a reference to the conference delegates that many in his home. Watching television, have a habit of reading, revealing what it receives through writing or conversations with parents , "said Koes to Female Compass, after the opening of the Conference of Indonesian Children 2010, in Ballroom Gedung Kompas Gramedia Long Road, West Jakarta, Monday (08/11/2010).

Experiences and honest observations of the children
Is Danti Pupita (10), home-schooled student from Tangerang, with the paper entitled Water Supply, Riwayatmu Now, who managed to take a seat delegates. Danti with her sister, Princess Marsya (7), founded the Club Ciling (Love the Environment), whose mission is to take the children in the area where he lived in Ciledug, to consistently maintain the cleanliness. In addition Clubs Ciling, Danti with her friends also formed the Environmental Police (Poll) whose job it is to control and monitor environmental conditions around the house.
Unfortunately, the idea of this poll do not go smoothly, because no child is willing to be a cop. Apparently, it is difficult for the children a duty to ensure clean environment is maintained.

Another with Felicity Prajna Nindita (9) who live in South Jakarta. The experience of this little girl with her family handyman subscription pump, Bang Endam, a source of inspiration paper entitled Simple Technology Water Filtration in My house. Anya, so her nickname, often finds his house is dirty water. From the results of his observations, he studied how Bang Endam works by using a simple screening method. Gained new knowledge that the fibers of coconut fiber or palm can be used to filter dirty water. Feeling dissatisfied, Anya then borrowed his father's laptop and find information about the fibers through a search engine. Finally, these observations bring Anya Children Conference is now in Indonesia.

Conference on Indonesian Children who changed the name of the Child Conference Bobo in the previous year, did not stop the activities of six days. According Koes, this program is designed to continue until pascakonferensi.

"Bobo provide guidance to children after attending a conference. After getting supplies and experience during the conference, the child will socialize in the immediate environment, home or school," said Koes. Bobo also will provide the opportunity for children to send a delegation KAI socialization pascakonferensi writing to the editor Bobo.

The importance of parental support
Dozens of children who successfully bid for a seat delegates KAI, are children with high curiosity and sensitivity of the issues surrounding environment. It seemed, every child has this character. Luckily, these selected 36 children who have parents who are sensitive, although some of them are constrained economy. Support and encouragement for children who want to develop themselves, eventually bringing parents and children to Jakarta, participated in various conference activities.

Lina Juarti, mother of Rahman Santoso (10), from Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, for example. Difficulty in obtaining water in Gunungkidul unexpected can be a source of inspiration for her son.

"My son did enjoy writing and reading. Seeing is writing competition on the water, my son talked to me his desire to participate. He also asked, is it okay if I, his mother, a person described in their written works later. I finally agreed, "the story of Lina in sharing parental delegation KAI 2010 joint editorial Bobo Magazine, Monday (11/08/2010).

Apparently, Rahman was observed experience of the daily activities of his mother, now take him to Jakarta, as he wanted. Lina told me, the limited water in Gunungkidul him must walk to fetch water in containers 25 liters jerry cans to carry him. To meet the needs of one day, Lina had to go home to go as much as 5-7 times per day within a distance of 5-10 km from the house towards the source of water in the forest. With the chalky road conditions, Lina decided barefoot for fear of slipping when using the footwear. To get water, could have residents buy water for Rp 130,000 (5,000 liters) up to Rp 180.000 (10.000 liters). But the Rahman family economic conditions that just barely did not undertake the purchase of this water.

Rahman studied the problem of water availability at this residence. Not only from the events experienced by his mother, but also the surrounding community efforts. People are starting to plant the teak, the story of Rahman in his writings. Apparently, teak forests become sources of water. More and more people are planting teak wood, the more sources of water. The area of land to absorb water is also increasing. As a result, residents in the surrounding forest homes now have their own wells since growth teak forests began in 2006.

"Rahman said much the same father and mother. He asked his father how to plant teak trees. His father then taught him to plant teak trees. Rahman also enjoys reading, only reading in the village are very limited. One time I invited Rahman to Wonosari, then we see magazine Bobo and he was pleased with the cover. Rahman requested bought (and I turn down), with terms to be read. He also asked permission to join the race, because he wanted to Jakarta and want to tell others that Gunungkidul is no longer droughts since there are teak forests, "said Lina to Compass Female.

Roughly, what is your child observe now at home? Who knew that his attention was caught by an adult will provide valuable experience. As Rahman from Gunungkidul who are enjoying the big city of Jakarta (city visited so wish) in the activities of Indonesian Children Conference.

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