Good in the afternoon and happy birthday to Jordana Brewster! Remember, when Brewster in D.E.B.S. the sexy lesbian criminal mastermind programme? Good times. Brewster is on the big screen this Friday, April 29, in the fast five, that fifth edition of the fast and the Furious franchise.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, the Beaver Director Jodie Foster , the dark number of female directors working in the biz (only seven percent), and also female film, the executives with female directors work discussed, because, expressed as foster, "you see female directors as a risk." Wow, is that depressing.
Modern family star Julie Bowen enthused for people magazine about their attractive awful bosses co star Jennifer Aniston. Bowen, "it is (Aniston) in such a way that you think you could be if you enough drunk and in the mirror only at the right angle looked incredibly nice." Bowen next, "you, it is not an accessible kind of beautiful but you really, the beautiful on your own." "You would have to drink it your way." I'm not sure whether Bowen has a girl crush on Aniston or a drinking problem.
Speaking co-star girl crushes revealed's glee Jayma Mays (, plays Emma Pillsbury) their lesbian desires for host Kristin Chenowethstar. Mays said, "first of all, I love this lady (Chenoweth)." I have such a crush on her. Although they didn't and I'm not, I wish we were both lesbians. This is what I want. [Laughs] "I follow kind of her around on if it is..."

Mays should not wish be lesbians who should they go to Chenoweth and plants one on it. I'm pretty sure that Chenoweth would go for it. Really, I have no evidence to back up this theory, but it would make an adorable couple.
Speaking glee, E!Online has speculated that the Fox show that could resume prom scene since the identities of the prom of King and Queen were extra been leaked to the masses by a show. Cory Monteith tweeted a photo of Dianna Agron wearing a tiara on set, as Agron are the new Prom Queen? Darren Criss was asked whether the episode will be re-shot, he replied, "that would be a pain." We worked so hard. Jeez. That would suck. "Let us hope that this is not the case."
Last night, first performed Setup Squad (logo's new reality show about a dating service, the clients with Wing men and women to hook New York City). The show theme song, "Let's go out tonight" by Yvette Rovira, own from Wingwoman Meredith Schlosserhas Setup squad. Check out the video and if you watched last night the premiere, let me know your thoughts about the show.
American experience: the Stonewall riots is on DVD today.The documentary by Kate Davis and David Heilbroner focuses on the New York City from 28 June 1969 Stonewall riots and how it changed forever the LGBT community.
NBC has joined train the "it gets better". In the video below, numerous NBC employees speak out on gay being (or gay allies) and their experiences with bullying, as well as their own struggles and triumphs with being different. Warning: I tore up with the look at this, so grab a tissue (or not see this if you are PMSing).
All right sports fans, ESPN has heard (I'm talking Erin Foleyto you), your phone calls and it this morning launched a new improved version of the woman-oriented website, EspnW. Once only in blog format, it is now in a fully functional Web site, transformed, sponsored by Nike and Gatorade. (I love Gatorade's fruit punch!) The new and improved website series, the NBA and NHL playoffs, Wimbledon, and FIFA have in-depth coverage of women college world women Championships 2011. (I would like to receive incoming with former New York Liberty / Los Angeles Sparks point guard Teresa Weatherspoon!)

EspnW Vice-President Laura Gentile transformation told the website. "We have the development of EspnW for... three years." "We have languages with 2000 girls and women 2000 in extensive research to insight in girls and women's experience with sports and how we can improve this experience."
If you love women and you love cemeteries, then you're weird checkout "Lez return" women's Party in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery from 10 pm to 2 pm on 7 may in Los Angeles. L.A. & gay and Lesbian Center young professionals Council hosted a night of music, dance (including open bar) and all the proceeds benefit the center services for women. Tickets range from $40 to $600 and more information, go to www.lagaycenter.org/lezgiveback.

The Florida-based lesbian lounge is currently broadcasting from London and this summer and be the go-go Festival with UH huh her, Betty, Heather peace and much more. Download their free podcasts in iTunes or go to their website EST listen live Wednesday at 9 PM.
If you have reached your Lady Gaga limit, as I check out of the artist have, new teaser for their upcoming HBO special the monster ball tour at Madison Square Garden premiere may 7.
As Trish in the morning to brewing, Lindsay Lohan appear this evening the tonight show with Jay Leno. Radar reports that during the show pre-taping when Lohan came to greet the host, their audience was Ovation a standing. (The entire audience I randomly get up to at the same time on the toilet to go.) I'm kidding! (I plan on the tonight show and let the audience for pee breaks.)
The biggest loser Jillian Michaels is also tonight and they appear tweeted their concern about following Lohan on Leno:

Which brings us to the lesbian/bi-video of the day:
Here is a sneak peek of Lohan's interview with Jay Leno. Our little girl is growing up!
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