Natalie Portman drops her vegan lifestyle during pregnancy - international business times

POSTED BY Unknown on Sunday, April 24, 2011

Now, the expectant mother has decided to be more lax with their diet. Earlier this week announced that it has started to add eggs and dairy products in their diet againPortman.
"I was actually back in vegetarian not, when I was pregnant." Just because I felt like I wanted this stuff, and I, my body heard, eggs and dairy products, and this sort of thing to have me, "she said." "I know there are people, the vegan remain [pregnancy], but I think you need to be careful only, see your iron level and your B12 levels and match if there are things you in your diet may be low."
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Some of the Natalie's fans are really excited about their change of diet. Some are called it "A hypocrite and a fake" because it has added their diet a few animal by-products. But really, it important if a pregnant woman is nachgebend to their cravings? It is not as Natalie has become a fully fledged Carnivore, the a gas-guzzling truck drives. She encouraged other vegetarian milk to add their own diet.
In my opinion should Natalie able to eat, what to eat it during herpregnancy. If it is cravings for eggs, they should have eggs. To faithful to their believe but remain, she could consider, eating only eggs from free range and organic milk. Free range eggs come from chickens, which are treated more humanely and roam while organic milk from cows, which added hormones or have received antibiotics, entitled.
What do you think? Is Natalie make to give up a big mistake by her vegan lifestyle, or it is the food to her body on the right track there demand is? Share your thoughts below!
Taken from: Dietsinreview
Natalie Portman Abandons Her Vegan Lifestyle During Pregnancy(Photo: Reuters / Danny Moloshok)The actress comes in the 68. annual Golden Globes awards in Beverly provides the tools and information for themselves to start to educate a healthier life for today and tomorrow.E newsletter
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