Why Natalie Portman will end a vegan - the stir (blog)

POSTED BY Unknown on Sunday, April 24, 2011

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natalie portman vegan dietOne of the best things about be pregnant which is "I can eat whatever I want and no one will show me with fish eye" - map. You can have four slices pizza, eight Grissini and two desserts without guilt. At no other time in your life you will be able to do, the (and coming up with tshirt wear each day). You can also find some foods, which you usually do not eat eat. Just like MOM to-be- Natalie Portman. This, people get: she ate an egg!

I hear you say, "big whoop, she ate an egg?" Why is it such a big deal? Well, that's our recent Oscar winner vegan. All animal product is a big no-no for vegans. On a usual day Natalie to skip the honey with their tea, passes to Cheeseburger and says just no dairy products.

So... Why would they eat the egg?

You heard her body! This is a smart Mama to-be, who knew that they might change their diet a bit to ensure that Bambino growing inside always was the things he needed to. She says she has been eating eggs and Milchprodukte--not only because, as they say, the body good, but Hel is lo, these animal products are milk in cookies, cakes and other Yummies these days is they require.

It is not the first time I pregnant women's demand for things that banned heard on the weight frame list. Vegetarian was a friend of mine, but when she heard that she was pregnant, the first stop was made the Chik-fil-A drive-through for a chicken sandwich deluxe. I was not a big fan of bacon before I was pregnant, but in the 40 weeks I wore kiddo, I a BLT (extra crispy, of course) had at least once a week. I am also not a big milk drinker, but man, I demanded, delicious vanilla of milk shake. I am only to them my lips smacking.

How do you change your diet when you were pregnant?

Image via LGEPR/Flickr

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