Natalie Portman married Benjamin Millepied soon? -Zimbio

POSTED BY Unknown on Sunday, April 24, 2011

Natalie PortmanNatalie Portman (born June 9, 1981) Natalie Hershlag, globe of excellent Israeli American actress born a prizewinning Oscar, Golden. Portman appeared in a number of films such as "Black" "Garden State" and the new "star...", [more] Posted by Deena amNatalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied in NYC
A pregnant Natalie Portman is located in a sunny afternoon, holding hands with fiancée Benjamin Millepied in New York City. The loved up few enjoyed a walk around your neighborhood. Benjamin and Portman's co-star Mila Kunis came the actress defence in the middle of controversy surrounding her dance skills in the acclaimed film "Black Swan." Portman has also reportedly abandoned their strict vegan diet during pregnancy. (Pacific_Coast_News) more pictures» Natalie Portman (Pacific Coast News) Natalie Portman is not married with Benjamin Millepied just yet, but the two are dedicated and expected! The actress announced the news at the end of 2010, and they can now seen are strolling around NYC with her new husband and baby bump.

Nothing more than if they are actually tie the knot. Perhaps, they will wait until after the baby is born, to have a wedding, perhaps never to get married. Who knows. Natalie is not exactly forthcoming about their personal lives.

The chatter that we've heard the so far about their walk through the course, is that it a robbery because no one can decide on a location. "Paris is their first choice but it would prefer in the United States or Israel, Natalie's parents," said a source in the daily mail.

Stand by.

See more of Natalie Portman and her husband to-be here:

Also on ZImbio:
'Thor' Star Chris Hemsworth on 'Intimate' Scenes with Natalie PortmanTrack.videoMatch = "Video clip";

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