Baby Spa Body Boost Endurance

POSTED BY Unknown on Friday, October 29, 2010

The tradition of medicine has been long known in Javanese society. Since birth, babies are given a gentle massage is helpful for improving blood circulation. In addition, infant massage provides a sense of comfort because of the touching and emotional contact between mother and baby. Infant massage also helped lead the growth phase correctly. Another positive impact is the baby's immune system better.
According to Trainer and Quality Control Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa, Wiwit Azmi Lester, AMF, SE, Dipl. CIDESCO, babies need to undergo any phase of its growth properly. Start face down, crawling, sitting, and standing.
"Infant massage can stimulate the baby to be complex movement through the various stages of this right," said the Compass Female Wiwit, after giving a presentation about the spa for the 38 finalists Election Puteri Indonesia (PPI) 2010, in Jakarta, Thursday (7 / 10 / 2010).
Wiwit explain baby spa similar to the tradition of medicine. It's just more holistic spa with two treatment, baby gym and massage. Gym and massage for infants is safe to do for ages 0-5 years.
"Age is a 0-1 year learning phase for the baby. Start face down, crawling, sitting, standing. This movement can indeed be lived naturally. But whether this movement is true or not, this is what distinguishes the child's growth," he explained.
For example, add Wiwit, if there is a phase that passes while learning to crawl into the seat, the child will not be crossed. If the phase of sitting to standing are not served well, the balance is also disturbed children.
Baby gym or the gym, and massage the baby holistic spa treatments, helping babies through all stages of this well.
Impact spas for babiesSpa for a baby into a family recreation facilities. But this is not only limited benefits. Spa treatment which is a health therapy for infants become its main benefit. Especially for the stimulation of muscle, circulatory, nervous motion of infant development as well.
The impact of the baby gym and massage them are more effective baby sleep quality. This treatment also stimulates the baby's brain to think by feeling the touch of her mother and temperature changes caused. Emotions of parents and children also awoke to undergo routine health rituals. Aromatherapy is used to massage baby infant olfactory also trained. Communication was built to train parents of hearing babies.
"Babies feel the love his mother with a live baby spa, massage and gym," said Wiwit, add baby spa is a treatment that stimulates the baby's entire body organs.

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