Si Young, Smallest but Not Want Minimized

POSTED BY Unknown on Friday, October 29, 2010

Parents who have 3 children will realize how many different characters who exist within every child. Despite living under the same roof, are treated the same, still the brothers will grow with the attitude and the nature of each. One factor that was affecting the development of a person is the order of birth. Many experts say that birth order affects a child's hobby, its value in schools, and its success in the world of work.

"To the brothers, the differences in many aspects of personality as far to the difference between men and women. The order of birth is not the only factor that contributes the attitude of a child, but can be taken into consideration that it can help parents understand a child's personality, so you can help them succeed with its own unique way, "said Frank Sulloway, Ph.D., author of Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives.

Here is an explanation of the youngest child is portrayed by famous people such as Cameron Diaz, Prince Harry, and Blake Lively.

In general, the youngest child can not always be the strongest or the smartest in the class, until they find a way to attract attention. Youngest child, is basically a charismatic person, outgoing, and has a personality that invites social. Not surprisingly, many famous actors and comedians is the youngest child. According to test results, the youngest child also has properties that are easier to flow and the friendship with the flow when compared with the firstborn, the light of Dr. Sulloway.

In addition, the youngest child also has the advantage would be his favorite sailing adventure. The youngest tend to be loose and free lifestyle, so it is more open to experience the unusual, and would prefer to do physical activity at risk than his brothers. The results showed that the youngest child would rather play sports challenges, such as soccer than his brother who prefer activities such as tennis.

The youngest known as someone who thinks, "no matter what I do baseball will be important." The youngest are most think, that whatever they do will not original enough or considered privileged by their parents. Her brothers had already managed to learn to speak, read, or ride a bike. Until, parents no longer react sespontan excited first when these things happened to her brothers. "

There is one thing that can be done by the youngest child but not by her brothers after she was born, that is manipulating people around him with spoiled. The youngest person known as a difficult discipline. Parents often do not include the youngest in the house and work assignment rules. Thus, the youngest did not have the same standards with their siblings. Youngest child usually has a nature which is free and not too confusing detail.

Parenting advice:
Never considered the youngest favors or as a small child. If he continues to be pampered and do not get disciplined like his older brothers, he will move into an adult who is always dependent on others and not ready to face the world. The youngest is very easy to make itself into the least and make it escaped from a home-based tasks. However, children aged 2 years actually been able to perform the task of re-toy store, so, make sure he understands that he has a responsibility and he can rely on. Establish consistent rules to be followed by the children. If you do not make them follow the rules, you can not get angry and blame him 100 percent when the youngest got a problem at a time.

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