Signs of Ovulation Medium

POSTED BY Unknown on Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not influence how often you make love, if not done at the right time (ovulation) the opportunity to become pregnant to be reduced. There is a tool to detect if you are ovulating or not at the pharmacy, however, could be expensive. So, would not it be better if we know our own bodies, including in terms of when are ovulating?
The following signs can not be considered 100 percent accurate, but it could be a signal that you're almost ovulating, but some are indicating that you are ovulating.
1. Changes in cervical fluid Near ovulation, there will be a change of concentrations of cervical fluid. When you're not ovulating, the liquid is more concentrated or none at all (but will have different effects if you take fertility drugs). As you approach ovulation, the fluid will be more clear in color, liquid, and chewy, like egg white. This will facilitate the sperm to swim toward the ovary. As such, a sign that you are on the fertile period.
2. Very excited Most women will feel more passionate when you're ovulating. Research shows that women are more frequent sex around the time they reach the peak fertile period, when its high lutein hormone. This usually happens about a few days before ovulation peak periods.
3. Changes in body temperature One way to tell if you are ovulating or not is to record basal body temperature (BBT) you. This is when your body is relaxed, not being sick, but there was an increase from the usual (an increase of about 0.2 ° C). This increase occurred before you ovulate and increased slightly thereafter. Hormone progesteronlah the cause. However, this method takes more effort, because you must measure your body temperature every day, every morning. The goal is you having sex before an increase in temperature. Because if it occurs at its peak, it means you've ovulated.
4. Change the position of the cervix The position of the cervix (cervical) experienced little change during the time of ovulation approaches, to ensure the area is softened and open when you're fertile, to facilitate the sperm to swim and meet the egg. To check its position, insert a clean finger into your vagina with a straight direction. If not currently in a period of ovulation, then you should be able to feel the tip of the cervix (if palpable will feel like part of the lower end of the nose), but if the time of ovulation, that section will be higher and difficult to reach.
5. Breast softened Our bodies will impose such ovulation is preparing for pregnancy, so pregnancy hormones to accumulate in this period. Hence, the time of ovulation, your breasts will feel slightly softened.
6. Countdown Counting the days in your menstrual cycle is the easiest way to predict ovulation. If you can do this method, you will more easily determine your ovulation period in the months ahead and plan to make love in these times. If you have cycles that are not regularly or frequently missed menstrual schedule, this method may not be suitable for you.
7. Pain and spots About 20 percent of women will experience "Mittelschmerz", ie when the eggs out of folikelnya and cause cramping in one of the lower abdomen. You'll also see the redness in cervical fluid attached to the underwear.
8. Bloating If you find it difficult to fasten your pants when you are not pregnant or gaining weight because a lot of eating, it could be a sign are ovulating. This occurs due to ovulation the body store water retention.
9. Improved sensory function and energy Many women reported improved sensory functions (sight, smell, and taste) around the time of ovulation. You may also experience increased energy before ovulation.
10. A positive result on ovulation test kits Ovulation test kits work as check tool pregnancy. You shed a urine test kit to check on lutein hormone, which increases just before you ovulate. This assay is quite expensive, and if you are not ovulating regularly, you probably will need more than 1 assay. However, this test is more reliable than the signs above the other. 

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