Unforeseen Physical Changes When Pregnant

POSTED BY Unknown on Wednesday, November 3, 2010

During pregnancy and after childbirth, you will experience many physical changes that surprising. Fingers and feet look swollen (you must remove the wedding ring it!), Enlarged breasts, facial acne, and stretch marks began to appear. But things like this you may have anticipated. Beyond these conditions, there are some changes that occur, which may escape conveyed by friends or family who first become pregnant and give birth. You want to know? Get ready yes:
1. More easily manage your weight during pregnancy, rather than after giving birthMany women difficult to lose weight after giving birth. This is because they are not dieting and exercising while pregnant. The definition of diet does not reduce food portions, but more on choosing healthy foods. As a result, body weight increased, and much heavier for reduced after nine months later.
To avoid this, keep exercising during your pregnancy. Choose a sport that does not cause conflict or contraction in the stomach. For example, yoga or swimming. Continue this exercise once you get through the childbirth. Do not forget, train yourself to give milk, because the process of breastfeeding can also burn calories. However, it also does not apply to everyone.
When you are actually going to gain weight despite breastfeeding, this can be caused by three things. Your lack of sleep, so that eventually the weight of food cravings (carbs) and sugary foods throughout the day (because you think they can increase energy). Then, if there is time, you prefer to sleep rather than exercise. Finally, you might as well not have time to prepare a healthy diet, so tend to eat what is just.
2. The line down the middle of the abdomen was not immediately disappearIndeed not everyone get the linea nigra, or brown lines down from the navel to the vagina, but most people experience it. For some people, this line is considered more annoying than stretch marks. Doctors usually will say that the line will go away. You may be hell, try using a black stain remover cream or cream pengelupas. Memangnya But you'll have time for that?
3. Your hair will fall out after giving birthAre more numerous than when you are experiencing hair loss is normal. According to Sandra Johnson, a dermatologist, this was due to changes in hormone levels during pregnancy can cause your hair to be in the resting phase longer, so kerontokannya less than when not pregnant.
After delivery, the hormones return to normal (approximately 12 weeks after childbirth). This is when you should be prepared to accept the loss that will occur. Loss can be considered normal when the number of 100-125 hairs per day. But after giving birth, you could lose about 500 strands per day!
But, take it easy, you're not going to be bald, really. Within six months will begin to grow "baby hair" in the line of your hair, a sign that your hair begins to grow. You can get your hair thickness back, but the texture may be more wavy, straighter, drier, or more oily.
However, you do not have to worry about any physical changes you experience. Besides it is only temporary, the presence of a child who had long you wait for more to be thankful for, right?

Source : female.kompas.com

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