Stages of Speech Development of Children

POSTED BY Unknown on Friday, November 5, 2010

Since birth, the infant is programmed to learn to communicate and language. They have some sort of universal stages of language learning. Here are the stages of the development of language skills of children in general and outline.

Birth to 24 months

2 months: Talking to pronounce vowels, like "u", "a", or "e" repeatedly.
6 months: Talking with a consonant-sound.
7.5 months: Begin to understand the words and common names.
10 months: Appoint, sound like a bitch, and staring at something he wanted to use the words that he created.
12 months: Says first words, like "mama", "dada", or the name of his brother, body parts, animal names, or sounds like "woof woof".
14 months: Identifying objects, such as one command, "take the ball."
18 months: It can understand and say at least 50 words and uses the question "What's that?" to understand the name of an object.
24 months: Says sentence consisting of two words, such as "drink milk" or "play ball", and very often say the word "baseball / no."

2-5 years

2.5 years: Truncates a purpose in a few words, like "Mama do not wear shoes" to "Mama baseball shoes."
3 years: Speaking in a longer sentence, put some thoughts in one sentence to express a story, it could use about 300 words, following a stream of stories and remember the essence, like the sentences that do not mean much.
4 years: It can engage in conversation with adults, using verbs in sentences detail, joking with the sentence, and ask with the right intonation.
5 years: Has about 2,500 vocabulary words to express meaning; understand 14,000 words, can express thoughts, such as fears and dreams; say "thank you", say something to get a reaction from others
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